Effective Gum Disease Treatment in Plainfield
The health of your gums is just as crucial as the health and appearance of your teeth. At Millennium Family Dental, we offer comprehensive gum disease (periodontal disease) treatments from our Plainfield office to help you maintain healthy gums. Using advanced dental technology like the SL3 laser, we deliver effective gum disease treatments focused on restoring oral health and stopping infections before they progress.
Untreated gum disease can lead to severe complications such as tooth loss and damage to the jawbone. Regular dental check-ups and early intervention are essential in preventing these issues. Our team is committed to providing personalized care tailored to your needs, ensuring long-term oral health. We strive to create a comfortable and supportive environment to help you achieve a healthy, confident smile.
Early detection of gum disease can lead to prevention or complete elimination. Contact our Plainfield dental office today to book a consultation!
Common Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease
Periodontal disease advances in three main stages. The first is characterized by bleeding gums and mild irritation at the gum line. At this stage, called gingivitis, proactive treatments can restore gum health completely. However, without treatments,
symptoms and infection can advance towards periodontitis. On top of discomfort and bleeding gums, gum pockets deepen and pull away from tooth roots. Advanced periodontitis results in significant gum recession, which loosens teeth, creating the need for
extraction and specialized procedures to stop the infection.
Gum Disease Treatments in Plainfield
At Millennium Family Dental, patients’ gum health is important, and we emphasize the importance of visiting our practice for professional cleanings so we can keep track of your oral health. Gum disease treatments are tailored to the unique needs of each
patient, depending on the stage of infection. Treatments include:
Deep Cleanings and Maintenance
As food debris accumulates between teeth and under the gum line, particles harden into plaque and tartar. Deep cleaning, also known as root scaling and planing, is the only way to remove bacteria and debris in periodontal pockets. Deep cleanings by our
Plainfield dentist are completed with your comfort in mind. By using our SL3 dental laser to thoroughly remove debris, Dr. Risty helps the gums reattach to the surface of newly cleaned tooth roots.
To support full treatment of soft tissue infection, periodontal disease maintenance is scheduled over the course of three to six months. Our hygienists monitor the status of your gums, teeth, and bone to ensure you are healing properly and are free of
Laser Gingivectomy
Patients with severe gum disease that cannot be treated by SRPs, may be eligible for a gingivectomy to remove damaged tissue and reshape gums. By utilizing a dental laser, diseased tissue is efficiently removed and a putty material is applied at the site
to protect your gums as they heal. This type of treatment is used to prevent advanced periodontitis, which impacts the jaw bone.
Schedule a Visit Today
Healthy teeth and gums support whole body health as well. To schedule your appointment and professional cleaning for the treatment of gum disease, contact our Plainfield dental practice, Millennium
Family dental today.